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Each camp was a week long, involved several teachers, support staff, and parents. They were a team effort and students had a blast!
Hosted at St. Francis University
Explored elements of the Engineering Design Process through rapid prototyping emphasizing the idea to prototype concepts through various degrees of fidelity.
Hosted at St. Francis University
Explored elements of game design through the development of various types of prototypes concluding with an original video game. Attendees utilized the EDP and Prototyping process to create low and high-fidelity prototypes.
Hosted at St. Francis University
Studied what it takes to explore our solar system and beyond. Learned how lift makes rockets fly and the challenges of countering gravity. Hands-on experimentation
and design their own space colony and hydroponic system.
Hosted at St. Francis University
Students learned the elements of the First Lego League and designed and coded a robot to solve tasks as a team
Students learned the elements of film-making, editing, and created short films
Students explored the artistic visuals within STREAM learning aesthetics and functionality of the design process
In Partnership with SFU, students learned about sustainability and energy
Students learned about various items within their daily lives through engineering and science
Students explored robotics through coding challenges and contests